How do you express Train Hard Dream Big in Korean?
Do you still remember the Korean phrase “Train hard, dream big” that unexpectedly appeared in the Spanish vs Thailand taekwondo match in Tokyo? 😁
It's been a long time since the game ended, but there was a stir in the country for a while due to the issues created by the translator.
Our Gicon Studio team heard the news at the time and quickly held an event.
I started by sending a social media DM to Cerezo Iglesias,
The Hangul phrase that translates “Train Hard, Dream Big” was recommended on social media,
Select the phrase with the highest number of recommendations,
It was an event where a phrase was engraved on a black belt and presented to a Spanish taekwon girl.
The final phrase selected through this event, “Train hard, dream big!” I engraved it on a black belt,
The process wasn't easy. Let's check out the picture to see how it was engraved.
I visited a fairy tale store near DDP to engrave the selected text.
After drawing a rough sketch of a phrase to put embroidery (embroidery) on a black belt
It was embroidered with expert skill,
Train hard and dream big! A black belt with the wonderful Hangul phrase was born. 😆
Then, the name of the Spanish taekwon girl is engraved in Korean on the other side (Tip: It's important to see them together from the front when tying up the uniform!)
Finally, add the Gicon Studio logo to mark Hualong!
Voila- the only black belt in the world has been created.
Thank you for your support so that it can be successfully delivered through the Spanish Embassy 😉
Enable Borderless and Boundless Communications!
There were various restrictions on hosting this event in connection with the Tokyo Olympics due to Koshi Province, but we at Gicon Studio kept our promises with everyone and held the event until the end. The fact is that our Gicon Studio team is working tirelessly to communicate wherever translation is needed! Please remember.
We promise to work every day to bridge the gap between time and space, between limits and boundaries, connect relationships between people, and enable communication.
We look forward to welcoming you to more great events in the future!
*This content has been transferred from Gicon Studio to Letterworks.