Korea Land and Housing Corporation, Independence Hall, National Sports Promotion Corporation Korea Curriculum Assessment Institute, Public Home Shopping, Kyungsang University Hospital, Korea Scholarship Foundation, Arts Foundation, Startup Agency, Korea Sports Association, Gugak Broadcasting
First, let me ask you two questions.
1) Stomach What do the eleven institutions have in common? (If you just look at the names of each organization, it doesn't seem easy to find common ground.)
2) stomach, How do you represent eleven organizations in official English?
All English names of public institutions in Korea
As some of you may have noticed, I have summarized the English names of public institutions in Korea in this post.
Official Korean/English names of public institutions in South KoreaThis content can be usefully used by anyone who wants to know about it. In particular, I hope it will be useful to expatriates from overseas, those who send and receive English e-mails, translators who are curious about the official English names of public institutions, and students studying English.
If you press Ctrl+F and search for the name of the public institution you want to know
Can be instantly searched and copied and pasted at the same timeI will. 😁
✍️ Specialized in public institutions! Do you want to entrust me with a translation process that is still in progress?
List of 350 public institutions
A public institution designated by deliberation and voting by the Ministry of Planning and FinanceIs big
It is divided into three categories: public enterprises, quasi-government agencies, and other public institutions.
This was a public institution too! You can get fresh insights, so please refer to the relevant agency for each department
If you check the data, you will be able to use it more effectively.
List of names of 350 public institutions (Korea/English)
공공기관 국문, 영문 250 기관명칭
국문명 |
영문명 |
한국가스공사 |
Korea Gas Corporation |
한국광물자원공사 |
Korea Resources Corporation |
한국남동발전 |
Korea South-East Power |
한국남부발전 |
Korea Southern Power |
한국동서발전 |
Korea East-West Power |
한국서부발전 |
Korea Western Power |
한국석유공사 |
Korea National Oil Corporation |
한국수력원자력 |
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power |
한국전력공사 |
Korea Electric Power Corporation |
한국중부발전 |
Korea Midland Power |
한국지역난방공사 |
Korea District Heating Corporation |
강원랜드 |
Kangwon Land |
인천국제공항공사 |
Incheon Interational Airport Corporation |
한국공항공사 |
Korea Airports Corporation |
부산항만공사 |
Busan Port Authority |
인천항만공사 |
Incheon Port Authority |
한국조폐공사 |
Korea Minting, Security Printing & ID Card Operating Corporation |
그랜드코리아레저 |
Grand Korea Leisure |
한국마사회 |
Korea Racing Authority |
한국가스기술공사 |
Korea Gas Technology Corporation |
대한석탄공사 |
Korea Coal Corporation |
한국전력기술 |
KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company, Inc. |
한전KDN |
KEPCO Knowledge, Data & Network Co., Ltd. |
한전KPS |
KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co., Ltd |
제주국제자유도시개발센터 |
Jeju Free International City Development Center |
주택도시보증공사 |
Korea Housing & Urban Guarantee Corporation |
LH한국토지주택공사 |
Korea Land & Housing Corporation |
수서발고속철도 |
Suseo Railways |
한국방송광고진흥공사 |
Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation |
여수광양항만공사 |
Yeosu Gwangyang Port Authority |
울산항만공사 |
Ulsan Port Authority |
해양환경관리공단 |
Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation |
사립학교교직원연금공단 |
Teachers Pension |
국민체육진흥공단 |
Korea Sports Promotion Foundation |
공무원연금공단 |
Government Employees Pension Service |
한국언론진흥재단 |
Korea Press Foundation |
한국무역보험공사 |
Korea Trade Insurance Corporation |
국민연금공단 |
National Pension Service |
근로복지공단 |
Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service |
기술신용보증기금 |
Korea Technology Finance Corporation |
신용보증기금 |
Korea Credit Guarantee Fund |
예금보험공사 |
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation |
한국자산관리공사 |
Korea Asset Management Corporation |
한국주택금융공사 |
Korea Housing Finance Corporation |
중소기업진흥공단 |
Korea SMEs and Startups Agency |
한국교육학술정보원 |
Korea Education and Research Information Service |
한국장학재단 |
Korea Student Aid Foundation |
한국재정정보원 |
Korea Public Finance Information Service |
우체국금융개발원 |
Postal Savings & Insurance Development Institute |
한국우편사업진흥원 |
Korea Postal Service Agency |
우체국물류지원단 |
Postal Logistics Agency |
정보통신산업진흥원 |
National IT Industry Promotion Agency |
한국과학창의재단 |
Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity |
한국방송통신전파진흥원 |
Korea Communications Agency |
한국연구재단 |
National Research Foundation |
한국인터넷진흥원 |
Korea Internet & Security Agency |
한국지능정보사회진흥원 |
National Information Society Agency |
연구개발특구진흥재단 |
Korea Innovation Foundation |
한국국제협력단 |
Korea International Cooperation Agency |
국제방송교류재단 |
The Korea International Broadcasting Foundation |
한국콘텐츠진흥원 |
Korea Creative Content Agency |
아시아문화원 |
Asia Culture Institute |
한국관광공사 |
Korea Tourism Organization |
공공기관 국문, 영문 250 기관명칭
국문명 |
영문명 |
농림수산식품교육문화정보원 |
Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery |
농림수산식품기술기획평가원 |
Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Aggriculture, and Forestry |
축산물품질평가원 |
Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation |
한국농수산식품유통공사 |
Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation |
한국농어촌공사 |
Korea Rural Community Corporation |
대한무역투자진흥공사 |
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency |
한국가스안전공사 |
Korea Gas Safety Corporation |
한국광해관리공단 |
Mine Reclamation Corporation |
한국디자인진흥원 |
Korea Institute of Design Promotion |
한국산업기술진흥원 |
Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology |
한국산업기술평가관리원 |
Korea Evaluation Institute Of Industrial Technology |
한국산업단지공단 |
Korea Industrial Complex Corporation |
한국석유관리원 |
Korea Petroleum Quality & Distribution Authority |
한국에너지공단 |
Korea Energy Agency |
한국원자력환경공단 |
Korea Radioactive Waste Agency |
한국에너지기술평가원 |
Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning |
한국전기안전공사 |
Korea Electrical Safety Corporation |
한국전력거래소 |
Korea Power Exchange |
건강보험심사평가원 |
Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service |
국민건강보험공단 |
National Health Insurance Service |
한국사회보장정보원 |
Korea Social Security Information Service |
한국노인인력개발원 |
Korea Labor Force Development Institute for the aged |
한국보건복지인력개발원 |
Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health & Welfare |
한국보건산업진흥원 |
Korea Health Industry Development Institute |
한국보육진흥원 |
Korea Childcare Promotion Institute |
한국건강증진개발원 |
Korea Health Promotion Institute |
국립공원공단 |
Korea National Park Service |
국립생태원 |
National Institute of Ecology |
한국환경공단 |
Korea Environment Corporation |
한국환경산업기술원 |
Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute |
한국고용정보원 |
Korea Employment Information Service |
한국산업안전보건공단 |
Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency |
한국산업인력공단 |
Human Resources Development Service of Korea |
한국장애인고용공단 |
Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities |
한국건강가정진흥원 |
Korean Institute for Healthy Family |
한국청소년상담복지개발원 |
Korea Youth Counseling & Wealth Institute |
한국청소년활동진흥원 |
Korea Youth Work Agency |
국가철도공단 |
Korea National Railway |
국토교통과학기술진흥원 |
Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement |
국토안전관리원 |
Korea Authority of Land & Infrastructure Safety |
한국국토정보공사 |
Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix Corporation |
한국교통안전공단 |
Korea Transportation Safety Authority |
대한건설기계안전관리원 |
Korea Construction Equipment Safety Institute |
선박안전기술공단 |
Korea Ship Safety Technology Authority |
한국수산자원관리공단 |
Korea Fisheries Resources Agency |
해양수산과학기술진흥원 |
Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion |
한국해양수산연수원 |
Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology |
공공기관 국문, 영문 250 기관명칭
국문명 |
영문명 |
한국승강기안전공단 |
Korea Elevator Safety Agency |
중소기업기술정보진흥원 |
Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs |
소상공인시장진흥공단 |
Small Enterprise & Market Service |
창업진흥원 |
Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development |
서민금융진흥원 |
Korea Inclusive Finance Agency |
한국소비자원 |
Korea Consumer Agency |
시청자미디어재단 |
Community Media Foundation |
독립기념관 |
Independence Hall of Korea |
한국보훈복지의료공단 |
Korea Veterans Health Service |
한국식품안전관리인증원 |
Korea Institute for Food Safety Management Accreditation |
도로교통공단 |
Korea Road Traffic Authority |
한국소방산업기술원 |
Korea Fire Institute |
한국임업진흥원 |
Korea Forestry Promotion Institute |
한국산림복지진흥원 |
Korea Forest Welfare Institute |
한국수목원관리원 |
Korea Institute of Arboretum Management |
농업기술실용화재단 |
Foundation of AG. Tech, Commercialization and Transfer |
한국특허전략개발원 |
Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency |
한국기상산업기술원 |
Korea Meteorological Institute |
경제·인문사회연구회 |
National Research Council of Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences |
과학기술정책연구원 |
Science and Technology Policy Institute |
건축공간연구원 |
Architecture & Urban Research Institute |
국토연구원 |
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements |
대외경제정책연구원 |
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy |
산업연구원 |
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade |
에너지경제연구원 |
Korea Energy Economics Institute |
정보통신정책연구원 |
Korea Information Society Development Institute |
통일연구원 |
Korea Institute for National Unification |
한국개발연구원 |
Korea Development Institute |
한국교육개발원 |
Korean Educational Development Institute |
한국교육과정평가원 |
Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation |
한국교통연구원 |
The Korea Transport Institute |
한국노동연구원 |
Korea Labor Institute |
한국농촌경제연구원 |
Korea Rural Economic Institute |
한국법제연구원 |
Korea Legislation Research Institute |
한국보건사회연구원 |
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs |
한국여성정책연구원 |
Korea Women's Development Institute |
한국조세재정연구원 |
Korea Institute of Public Finance |
한국직업능력개발원 |
Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training |
한국청소년정책연구원 |
National Youth Policy Institute |
한국해양수산개발원 |
Korea Maritime Institute |
한국행정연구원 |
The Korea Institute of Public Administration |
한국형사정책연구원 |
Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice |
한국환경정책·평가연구원 |
Korea Environment Institute |
한국수출입은행 |
The Export-Import Bank of Korea |
한국투자공사 |
Korea Investment Corporation |
국가평생교육진흥원 |
National Institute of Lifelong Education |
동북아역사재단 |
Northeast Asian History Foundation |
한국고전번역원 |
Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics |
한국사학진흥재단 |
Korea Advancing Schools Foundation |
한국학중앙연구원 |
The Academy of Korean Studies |
과학기술일자리진흥원 |
Commercializations Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes |
우체국시설관리단 |
Postal Facility Management Agency |
광주과학기술원 |
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
국가과학기술연구회 |
National Research Council of Science & Technology |
국립광주과학관 |
Gwangju National Science Musium |
국립대구과학관 |
Daegu National Science Museum |
국립부산과학관 |
Busan National Science Museum |
기초과학연구원 |
Institute for Basic Science |
대구경북과학기술원 |
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology |
울산과학기술원 |
Ulsan National Institute Of Science And Technology |
공공기관 국문, 영문 250 기관명칭
국문명 |
영문명 |
한국여성과학기술인지원센터 |
Center for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology |
한국건설기술연구원 |
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology |
한국과학기술기획평가원 |
Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning |
한국과학기술연구원 |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
한국과학기술원 |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
한국과학기술정보연구원 |
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information |
한국기계연구원 |
Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials |
한국기초과학지원연구원 |
Korea Basic Science Institute |
한국나노기술원 |
Korea Advanced Nano Fab Center |
한국데이터산업진흥원 |
Korea Data Agency |
한국생명공학연구원 |
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
한국생산기술연구원 |
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology |
한국식품연구원 |
Korea Food Research Institute |
한국에너지기술연구원 |
Korea Institute of Energy Research |
한국원자력연구원 |
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute |
한국원자력의학원 |
Korea Institute of Radiological Medical Sciences |
한국재료연구원 |
Korea Institute of Materials Science |
한국전기연구원 |
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute |
한국전자통신연구원 |
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |
한국지질자원연구원 |
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources |
한국천문연구원 |
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute |
한국철도기술연구원 |
Korea Railroad Research Institute |
한국표준과학연구원 |
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science |
한국한의학연구원 |
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine |
한국항공우주연구원 |
Korea Aerospace Research Institute |
한국핵융합에너지연구원 |
Korea Institute of Fusion Energy |
한국화학연구원 |
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology |
한국국제교류재단 |
Korea Foundation |
재외동포재단 |
Overseas Koreans Foundation |
남북하나재단 |
Korea Hana Foundation |
남북교류협력지원협회 |
South-North Korea Exchanges and Cooperation Support Association |
대한법률구조공단 |
Korea Legal Aid Corporation |
정부법무공단 |
Korean Government Legal Service |
한국법무보호복지공단 |
Korea Rehabilitation Agency |
전쟁기념사업회 |
The War Memorial of Korea |
한국국방연구원 |
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses |
국방전직교육원 |
Military Outplacement Training Institute |
민주화운동기념사업회 |
Korea Democracy Foundation |
일제강제동원피해자지원재단 |
Foundation for Korean Victims of Forced Mobilization by Imperial Japan |
국악방송 |
Gugak FM Inc. |
예술경영지원센터 |
Korea Arts Management Service |
예술의전당 |
Seoul Arts Center |
한국문화정보원 |
Korea Culture Information Service Agency |
게임물관리위원회 |
Game Rating and Administration Committee |
국립박물관문화재단 |
Cultural Foundation of National Museum of Korea |
대한장애인체육회 |
Korea Paralympic Committee |
대한체육회 |
세종학당재단 |
King Sejong Institute Foundation |
영상물등급위원회 |
Korea Media Rating Board |
태권도진흥재단 |
Taekwondo Promotion Foundation |
영화진흥위원회 |
Korean Film Council |
한국문화예술위원회 |
Arts Council Korea |
한국공예디자인문화진흥원 |
Korean Craft & Design Foundation |
한국도박문제관리센터 |
Korea Center on Gambling Problems |
한국문학번역원 |
Literature Translation Institute of Korea |
한국문화관광연구원 |
Korea Culture & Tourism Institute |
한국문화예술교육진흥원 |
Korea Art & Culture Education Service |
한국문화진흥 |
Korea Culture Promotion Inc. |
공공기관 국문, 영문 250 기관명칭
국문명 |
영문명 |
한국영상자료원 |
Korean Film Archives |
한국예술인복지재단 |
Korean Artists Welfare Foundation |
한국저작권보호원 |
Korea Copyright Protection Agency |
한국저작권위원회 |
Korea Copyright Commission |
한국체육산업개발 |
Korea Sports Industry Company |
한국출판문화산업진흥원 |
Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea |
가축위생방역지원본부 |
Livestock Health Control Association |
국제식물검역인증원 |
International Plant-quarantine Accreditation Board |
농업정책보험금융원 |
Agricultural Policy Insurance & Finance Service |
한식진흥원 |
Korean Food Promotion Institute |
축산환경관리원 |
Livestock Environment Management Institute |
한국식품산업클러스터진흥원 |
Agency for Korea National Food Cluster |
전략물자관리원 |
Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry |
한국로봇산업진흥원 |
Korea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement |
한국산업기술시험원 |
Korea Testing Laboratory |
한국에너지재단 |
Korea Energy Foundation |
한국세라믹기술원 |
Korea Ceramic Engineering and Technology |
한국에너지정보문화재단 |
Korea Energy Information Culture Agency |
한전원자력연료 |
KEPCO Nuclear Fuel Co.,Ltd. |
한전엠씨에스 |
KEPCO Metering & Customer Service Co., Ltd. |
한국전력 국제원자력대학원대학교 |
Kepco International Nuclear Graduate School |
한국장애인개발원 |
Korea Disabled People's Development Institute |
국립암센터 |
National Cancer Center |
국립중앙의료원 |
National Medical Center |
대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 |
Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation |
대한적십자사 |
Korean Red Cross |
오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 |
Osong Medical Innovation Foundation |
한국국제보건의료재단 |
Korea Foundation for International Healthcare |
한국보건의료연구원 |
National Evidence-based healthcare Collaborating Agency |
한국보건의료인국가시험원 |
Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute |
한국사회복지협의회 |
Korea National Council on Social Welfare |
한국의료분쟁조정중재원 |
Korea Medical Dispute Mediation & Arbitration Agency |
한국장기조직기증원 |
Korea Organ Donation Agency |
한약진흥재단 |
National Development Institute of Korean Medicine |
의료기관평가인증원 |
Korea Institute for Healthcare Accreditation |
국가생명윤리정책원 |
Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy |
한국공공조직은행 |
Korea Public Tissue Bank |
아동권리보장원 |
National Center for the Rights of the Child |
한국자활복지개발원 |
Korea Development Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Welfare |
국립낙동강생물자원관 |
Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources |
국립호남권생물자원관 |
Honam National Institute of Biological Resources |
수도권매립지관리공사 |
SUDOKWON Landfill Site Management Corporation |
워터웨이플러스 |
Waterwayplus Corporation |
한국상하수도협회 |
Korea Water and Wastewater Works Association |
환경보전협회 |
Environmental Preservation Association |
한국수자원조사기술원 |
Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey Inc. |
건설근로자공제회 |
Construction Workers Mutual Aid Association |
노사발전재단 |
Korea Labor Foundation |
학교법인한국폴리텍 |
Korea Polytechnics |
한국고용노동교육원 |
Korea Employment and Labor Educational Institute |
한국기술교육대학교 |
Korea University of Technology and Education |
한국잡월드 |
Korea JobWorld |
한국사회적기업진흥원 |
Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency |
한국양성평등교육진흥원 |
Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education |
한국여성인권진흥원 |
Women's Human Rights Institute of Korea |
건설기술교육원 |
Korea Institute Of Construction Technology Education |
공간정보품질관리원 |
Spatial Information Quality Management Service |
국립항공박물관 |
National Aviation Museum of Korea |
새만금개발공사 |
Saemangeum Development Corp. |
주택관리공단 |
Korea Housing Management Co., Ltd |
공공기관 국문, 영문 250 기관명칭
국문명 |
영문명 |
코레일관광개발 |
KORAIL Tourism Development |
코레일네트웍스 |
KORAIL Networks |
코레일로지스 |
KORAIL Logis |
코레일유통 |
KORAIL Retail |
코레일테크 |
한국도로공사서비스 |
Korea Expressway Service Co., Ltd. |
항공안전기술원 |
Korea Institute of Aviation Safety Technology |
한국해외인프라도시개발지원공사 |
Korea Overseas Infrastructure & Urban Development Corporation |
국립해양과학관 |
National Ocean Science Museum |
국립해양박물관 |
Korea National Maritime Museum |
국립해양생물자원관 |
National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea |
한국어촌어항공단 |
Korea Fisheries Infrastructure Public Agency |
한국해양과학기술원 |
Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology |
한국해양조사협회 |
Korea Hydrography and Research Association |
한국항로표지기술원 |
Korea Association of Aids to Navigation |
한국해양진흥공사 |
Korea Ocean Business Corporation |
중소기업연구원 |
Korea Small Business Institute |
중소기업유통센터 |
Small and Medium Business Distribution Center |
신용보증재단중앙회 |
Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foudations |
한국벤처투자 |
Korea Venture Investment Corporation |
공영홈쇼핑 |
Public Home Shopping Co., Ltd. |
장애인기업종합지원센터 |
The Disabled Enterprise Business Center |
중소기업은행 |
Industrial Bank of Korea |
한국산업은행 |
Korea Development Bank |
한국예탁결제원 |
Korea Securities Depository |
한국공정거래조정원 |
Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency |
한국원자력안전기술원 |
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety |
한국원자력안전재단 |
Korea Foundation of Nuclear Safety |
한국원자력통제기술원 |
Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control |
88관광개발 |
88Country Club |
한국의료기기안전정보원 |
National Institute of Medical Device Safety Information |
한국의약품안전관리원 |
Korea Institute of Drug Satety & Risk Management |
식품안전정보원 |
National Food Safety Information service |
국제원산지정보원 |
Korea Institute of Origin Information |
국방과학연구소 |
Agency for Defense Development |
국방기술품질원 |
Defense Agency for Technology and Quality |
한국문화재재단 |
Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation |
한국등산트레킹지원센터 |
Korea Mountaineering Support Center |
차세대수치예보모델개발사업단 |
Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems |
APEC기후센터 |
APEC Climate Center |
한국발명진흥회 |
Korea Invention Promotion Association |
한국지식재산보호원 |
Korea Intellectual property Protection Agency |
한국지식재산연구원 |
Korea Institute of Intellectual Property |
한국특허정보원 |
Korea Institute of Patent Information |
한국도로공사 |
Korea Expressway Corporation |
한국부동산원 |
Korea Real Estate Board |
한국철도공사 |
Korea Railroad Corporation |
한국수자원공사 |
Korea Water Resources Corporation |
강릉원주대학교치과병원 |
Gangneung-Wonju National University Dental Hospital |
강원대학교병원 |
Kangwon National University Hospital |
경북대학교병원 |
Kyungpook National University Hospital |
경북대학교치과병원 |
Kyungpook National University Dental Hospital |
경상대학교병원 |
Gyeongsang National University Hospital |
부산대학교병원 |
Pusan National University Hospital |
부산대학교치과병원 |
Pusan National University Dental Hospital |
서울대학교병원 |
Seoul National University Hospital |
서울대학교치과병원 |
Seoul National University Dental Hospital |
전남대학교병원 |
Chonnam National University Hospital |
전북대학교병원 |
Jeonbuk National University Hospital |
제주대학교병원 |
Jeju National University Hospital |
충남대학교병원 |
Chungnam National University Hospital |
충북대학교병원 |
Chungbuk National University Hospital |
Above, I hope you make good use of the names of the 350 public institutions in Korean/English!
*This content has been transferred from Gicon Studio to Letterworks.