Repeated translations with similar content
When translating, don't you sometimes feel like you've translated a similar sentence before? Especially when it comes to corporate work, there are many cases where only some content is modified in a similar framework. Therefore, similar content is translated over and over again.
TM notation for LETR WORKS - provides similarity at the bottom of the editor window
1. Automate repetitive tasks
The required function in this case is translation memory (TM: Translation Memory). It remembers previously translated data and lets you know when a similar sentence comes up. It borrows more accurate computer memory than humans. Each translation tool has a slightly different notation, but usually the degree of similarity with the previous sentence is displayed as a percentage next to the translated text.
TB notation for LETR WORKS - Write TB below the original text and underline the original text.
2. My own glossary
Another function that makes use of a computer's memory is a termbase (TB: Term Base). You can use the TB feature when you need to check how this word was previously translated. Once the word is saved in TB, every time that word appears in the original text to be translated later, it is displayed as a word as it was saved in TB.
3. TM/TB shines when multiple people collaborate
The TM/TB I mentioned above is useful for individual translations, but it also shines when multiple people work together. When collaborating, TM helps maintain a consistent translation tone even though everyone's translation style is different. And TB makes the translation of different terms consistent.
Easier translation with TM/TB
In addition to this, TM/TB has the advantage of continuously accumulating data. As more data is piled up, iterations are reduced even more.
Plus, you can always share it with whoever you want. You can drag and use other people's translation resources, or an organization can create translation resources (TM/TB) together.
LETR WORKS (LETR WORKS) offers TM/TB functionality in enterprise plans.
Experience easier translation with Letterworks!
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