Of this series first, Second Most of the examples featured in the content were mythical imaginations about artificial intelligence. However, the ancient people's idea of artificial intelligence was not limited to literary imagination. <일리아스>In his books, Aristotle talked about the <정치학> beings he imagined through Homer.
This great philosopher emphasizes that the society of the time (ancient Greece) was bound to need slaves. possibly “The drum on the loom weaves the cloth by itself, the pick of the string instrument plays the harp by itself, and so on.”I wonder if there is a kind of automatic slave that works as He expressed his idea of an existence (artificial intelligence) that takes the place of human labor (artificial intelligence) by quoting a vivid depiction imagined by Homer.
“There is only one case where the person running the household does not need a servant or the owner does not need a slave. This is a case where lifeless tools each work by receiving orders like statues made by Daidalos (Daidalos) or rituals (sacrificial instruments) made by Hephaistos (Hephaistos), or by figuring out the owner's will themselves.”
(Political Science, by Aristotle, as Rajal)
In this content, we will explore the ideas that created artificial intelligence from such a philosophical and logical perspective.
An expression of knowledge, the first expert system
Edwin Smith Papyrus, sources
In 1862, archaeologist Edwin Smith* discovered a papyrus** with medical knowledge written on it. Here, various diseases and treatment methods for them were introduced in a systematic manner. A total of 48 types of trauma were analyzed and recorded according to the order of examination, diagnosis, whether the doctor will perform direct treatment, and treatment process. ***
In other words, if you show these symptoms, it's this damage, and this kind of treatment is expected. Doesn't this somehow bring to mind a bunch of “if ~ else” conditionals? This papyrus was a kind of sophisticated program that organized the knowledge of ancient Egyptian medical experts.
Already in ancient Egypt, a knowledge system corresponding to today's expert system**** began to be established.
Rule-Based Expert Systems: The MycinExperiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project, 1984 Buchanan and Shortliffe sources
Even today, medicine is the most representative field where expert systems are used. MYCIN*****, one of the first expert systems, was also developed in the 1970s and used for medical education and research. Even now, medical expert systems are very helpful for doctors in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients.
Logic, reasoning, and the origin of semiotism
Everyone dies.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates dies.
The above is a representative example of syllogic*******, which is a typical deductive reasoning in logic******. It's a method of reasoning that leads to another new thesis based on two predetermined topics. Incidentally, this syllogism is also known to have originated with the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
The relationship between machine learning and deductive law, sources
Deductive reasoning based on syllogism is based on strict logical rules. It's less scalable than inductive reasoning ********, but instead, logical consistency is an advantage. In fact, all programs before machine learning operated in a deductive manner in terms of “drawing a conclusion based on a premise.”
Humans who judge by experience and intuition can freely use induction and deductive methods. Computer programs, on the other hand, must be logically typed so that errors do not occur. Artificial intelligence also requires well-structured and systematized knowledge to effectively recognize information and solve problems.
In the early days of artificial intelligence, what semiotists wanted was to create a program like this to implement a system capable of intelligent reasoning.
Mechanization of ideas and thought processes
Ramon Llull's - Ars Magna, sources
The 13th century Spanish theologian Ramon Llull (Ramon Llull) created a device called “Ars Magna (Ars Magna)” using Zairja, an Arabic astrology tool. ********* It was the first device to generate ideas by mechanical means. I think he thought he could use a mechanical device to access the opposite sex.
Ars Magna was in the shape of a paper wheel with a symbol on it. Using this, we were able to mechanically combine concepts to create logical combinations of arguments. <걸리버 여행기>This idea was later reinvented as a joiner that automatically creates horses after adding Jonathan Swift's artistic imagination.
“Everyone knows how difficult it is to create an artist or achieve science by following traditional methods. However, if you use the cooking device at the Legado Research Institute, such tasks are eating cold porridge. Even ignorant people can create books on philosophy, poetry, politics, law, and theory with a little effort.”
[1] https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/추론
[2] https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/고대_이집트_의학
[3] https://velog.io/@bi-sz/7장-규칙기반-인공지능
[4] http://ai4school.org/?page_id=2537
[5] https://www.sciencetimes.co.kr/news/인공지능-발전을-이끈-쌍끌이-학파/? cat=20169
[6] Development history of artificial intelligence and deep learning https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201501256174720.pdf
[7] [Featured Article] Human Intelligence and Machine Intelligence - Cognitive Artificial Intelligence https://scienceon.kisti.re.kr/commons/util/originalView.do?cn=JAKO201811553400322&oCn=JAKO201811553400322&dbt=JAKO&journal=NJOU00290837
[8] Machine learning project to create a smart prince (SmartPrince) https://elec4.co.kr/article/articleView.asp?idx=20221
[9] A Very Short History of Artificial Intelligence https://www.naiss.io/blog/2017/10/9/a-very-short-history-of-artificial-intelligence
Good content to watch together
In search of the ideas that created artificial intelligence (1) The Golden Maid and TalosIn Search of the Ideas That Created Artificial Intelligence (2) Galatea, Golem, and Adam