한국승강기안전공단 |
Korea Elevator Safety Agency |
중소기업기술정보진흥원 |
Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs |
소상공인시장진흥공단 |
Small Enterprise & Market Service |
창업진흥원 |
Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development |
서민금융진흥원 |
Korea Inclusive Finance Agency |
한국소비자원 |
Korea Consumer Agency |
시청자미디어재단 |
Community Media Foundation |
독립기념관 |
Independence Hall of Korea |
한국보훈복지의료공단 |
Korea Veterans Health Service |
한국식품안전관리인증원 |
Korea Institute for Food Safety Management Accreditation |
도로교통공단 |
Korea Road Traffic Authority |
한국소방산업기술원 |
Korea Fire Institute |
한국임업진흥원 |
Korea Forestry Promotion Institute |
한국산림복지진흥원 |
Korea Forest Welfare Institute |
한국수목원관리원 |
Korea Institute of Arboretum Management |
농업기술실용화재단 |
Foundation of AG. Tech, Commercialization and Transfer |
한국특허전략개발원 |
Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency |
한국기상산업기술원 |
Korea Meteorological Institute |
경제·인문사회연구회 |
National Research Council of Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences |
과학기술정책연구원 |
Science and Technology Policy Institute |
건축공간연구원 |
Architecture & Urban Research Institute |
국토연구원 |
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements |
대외경제정책연구원 |
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy |
산업연구원 |
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade |
에너지경제연구원 |
Korea Energy Economics Institute |
정보통신정책연구원 |
Korea Information Society Development Institute |
통일연구원 |
Korea Institute for National Unification |
한국개발연구원 |
Korea Development Institute |
한국교육개발원 |
Korean Educational Development Institute |
한국교육과정평가원 |
Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation |
한국교통연구원 |
The Korea Transport Institute |
한국노동연구원 |
Korea Labor Institute |
한국농촌경제연구원 |
Korea Rural Economic Institute |
한국법제연구원 |
Korea Legislation Research Institute |
한국보건사회연구원 |
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs |
한국여성정책연구원 |
Korea Women's Development Institute |
한국조세재정연구원 |
Korea Institute of Public Finance |
한국직업능력개발원 |
Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training |
한국청소년정책연구원 |
National Youth Policy Institute |
한국해양수산개발원 |
Korea Maritime Institute |
한국행정연구원 |
The Korea Institute of Public Administration |
한국형사정책연구원 |
Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice |
한국환경정책·평가연구원 |
Korea Environment Institute |
한국수출입은행 |
The Export-Import Bank of Korea |
한국투자공사 |
Korea Investment Corporation |
국가평생교육진흥원 |
National Institute of Lifelong Education |
동북아역사재단 |
Northeast Asian History Foundation |
한국고전번역원 |
Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics |
한국사학진흥재단 |
Korea Advancing Schools Foundation |
한국학중앙연구원 |
The Academy of Korean Studies |
과학기술일자리진흥원 |
Commercializations Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes |
우체국시설관리단 |
Postal Facility Management Agency |
광주과학기술원 |
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
국가과학기술연구회 |
National Research Council of Science & Technology |
국립광주과학관 |
Gwangju National Science Musium |
국립대구과학관 |
Daegu National Science Museum |
국립부산과학관 |
Busan National Science Museum |
기초과학연구원 |
Institute for Basic Science |
대구경북과학기술원 |
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology |
울산과학기술원 |
Ulsan National Institute Of Science And Technology |